The Wellington Wall
'The Wellington Wall' mural was inspired by the creation of a new Beer Garden which had a newly rendered, rather dull plain wall along one side. Pub owner, Stuart Samuels, who has a passion for collecting memorabilia associated with the Vickers Wellington Bomber, commissioned retired RAF Wing Commander turned Aviation Artist Mr Colin Mason to create a lasting memorial in honour those who flew from Feltwell during the Second World War.

The mural took shape during the long sunny days of Summer 2017. It measures 20 metre in length, and is painted in a cameo style showing a variety of images which include the badges of RAF Feltwell and 75 New Zealand Squadron, a tableau of aircrew with a NAAFI wagon, a radio operator, a portrait of James Ward V.C. and a larger scene showing a general view of the RAF Feltwell airfield as it would have appeared during WW2.

Each area was meticulously researched by Colin to ensure as much accuracy as possible and painted onto a very uneven ancient wall with a mixture of acrylic, enamel and oil paints

In late September 2017, The Wellington Pub Landlords Chris & Chris were honoured to host the official unveiling of 'The Wellington Wall'. They were joined by over 65 people including two Wellington Crew Members, representatives from Royal New Zealand Air Force, RAF and U.S. Air Force.

The official ribbon was cut by 93 year old Flight Sergeant Ivan Potter,(Right) who was a Wireless Operator and Gunner aboard Wellingtons, assisted by Retired Group Captain Richard Dixon, who trained on Wellingtons and was one of the last pilots to fly one

During his time working on the wall, Colin was regularly interrupted by passersby who were interested to see what he was doing, and during the gradual unveiling ceremony he took the time to explain the various aspects of the mural.
Radio Norfolk Presenter Wally Webb visited on the morning of the unveiling to interview both Mr Stuart Samuels about his inspiration to commission the wall and the artist Colin Mason.
They were also interviewed for a news item on Forces Television, watch the video below to see the interview.
To see 'The Wellington Wall' for yourself just visit our Beer Garden or look out from our side room windows.